Beginning Meditation Course
Throughout the world, people are turning to spiritual practices to satisfy their intensifying curiosity or hunger within. They want to nurture the spiritual in themselves and the world. Many have also heard from others, or seen in friends and acquaintances, the wonderful benefits that arise from meditation - benefits in all areas of life.
In this seven-week introductory course, we plan to help you experience the benefits of meditation, both spiritual and day-to-day, by introducing you to several simple meditations. You will practise these, both during the sessions and at home between sessions. Help will be available to assist you to make these meditations a regular part of your life and support will be provided through the early part of this process. There will be many opportunity for discussion and guidance with any issues that may arise during and after the course.
Notes for this course are on sale from the Course Notes Department in the Public Shop.
Practical Daily Living
Personal Well-Being Course
This nine week introductory course is for people who want to enhance the quality of their lives, to promote their health and to learn to manage the demands of daily life effectively.
There is no magic to leading a happy fulfilled life. Anyone can do it. All that is required is that we attend to some basic areas in our lives in a practical way. When we attend to these areas, our lives become balanced, enjoyable, fulfilling. Problems and difficulties become far easier to handle and may resolve completely.
Everyone can benefit from using the information and life-style approaches contained in this course. Each session contains information, discussion, and ways of putting the suggested strategies into practice.
The course emphasises practical skills for every day life and will include:
- Relaxation
- Healthy eating
- Feeling good through physical movement
- Getting the best out of life
- Goal-Setting
- Making effective decisions
- Maintaining emotional and mental balance
- Living in harmony
The suggestions and techniques have already been used successfully by thousands of people. Extensive course notes will be given to all participants. The nature of the material learned in this course is disarmingly simple and, for many, amazingly helpful. It is sensible, practical and very effective. The contribution of any one of the subject areas can help you make major changes. Combining the content of all the areas may enable you to revolutionise the ease with which you live and your day-to-day satisfaction.
Notes for this course are on sale from the Course Notes Department in the Public Shop.